Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lord Of The Flies How Does Golding Present Contrast

We are told Piggy is â€Å"very fat†, much fatter than Ralph and as ‘the naked crooks of his knees were plump† we also know piggy as to wear glasses, and is asthmatic we imagine Piggy to be the complete opposite of Ralph who appears to be healthy and an athletic child as we know he can swim. We see Ralph is very confident and relaxed as â€Å"he stood their naked† and we are told that as he is twelve he must have â€Å"lost the prominent tummy of childhood† leading us further into believing he has the contrasting physique to Piggy.Ralph and Piggy both take very different approaches to being marooned on the island. Ralph sees mainly the possible bonuses of the marooning, mainly the lack of adult supervision and the freedom he'll have unlimited access to. However the approach taken by Piggy is the more sensible choice to take. Out of the pair, Piggy realizes the potential for danger and consequences the boys will face.Ralph and piggy had very different upbringings as Ralph came from a military background and a higher class background than Piggy, Piggy lived with his aunt who had a sweet shop, we see he is from a lower class by the dialect he speaks in saying â€Å"l can't hardly move with all these creeper things†. Piggy differs from the other boys as he is a caring character, he takes responsibility for the â€Å"little-nuns† and despite the act that both his parents are deceased, Piggy acts most like a parent, Piggy shows the most kindness even though he is shown none.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mandatory Child Development and Parenting Classes

There should be a law prohibiting teenage pregnancy.   It would be impossible to make such a law, since the country’s prisons would be filled with fifteen year-old-mothers. A law should, however, be made requiring mandatory child development and parenting classes before high school graduation. The statistics concerning teenage pregnancy are frightening.   One teenager each minute becomes pregnant, in 2004 420,000 babies were born to teenage mother in the United States, and 67% of teenage mothers drop out of high school (Horizon Solutions, 2006).Three out of ten girls get pregnant before the age of twenty at an average of 750,000 girls per year (National Campaign, 2006). Girls as young as thirteen are becoming parents and often with no support from the equally young and inexperienced fathers.   The grandparents are then either forced to raise their grandchildren or the young unprepared girls are forced to give up their future plans to become parents much too early.  Mos t schools in the nation currently offer child development and parenting classes as electives for those who are interested in childcare.   Since most young teenagers will eventually become parents, however, it should be mandatory to prepare them for their future roles.Most public schools in the United States teach sexual education, which includes ways to prevent pregnancy.   Unfortunately, this has not significantly decreased the occurrences of teenage pregnancy.   When compared to the statistics of teenagers in other countries the united States ranks high in the number of pregnancies, because of the differences in how teenagers are prepared for parenting and the expectations for them (Guttmacher).   Part of the differences are that the young people in other countries are not taught to be ashamed to admit to having sex and are taught to be more responsible about preventing pregnancy.   In this country many adults are uncomfortable talking to their children about sex (Coloro so 228). The better young people are educated about and prepared for male-female relationships in early adolescence the less likely they are to give in to peer pressure (Campbell 51).In most schools, no student can graduate without learning about American History, government, English or science.   Students are taught how to have children and usually how to prevent it, but it is not required for them to learn how to care for the children after they have them.   Unless they come from large families, many young people have no idea how much responsibility is required in caring for an infant.   If they did, maybe they would take more precautions to avoid this until they were ready for the responsibility.   If a law was made to make it mandatory for all freshman high school students to take child development and parenting classes, all teenagers would have a better understanding of the responsibilities involved.   This would make them more likely to take better precautions to avo id teenage pregnancy.Parenting is not easy at any age, but when parenting is combined with dating, and trying to finish high school, it can be overwhelming.   When young girls discover they are about to become a parent, they can go through a range of emotions.   Some do not want to take on the responsibility of parenting.   These girls are faced with the difficult choice of abortion or adoption.   If she chooses to put her child up for adoption, she and the father both have to sign their parental rights over to the adoptive parents (Gay 6).  Ã‚   Some of the girls feel happy about having a baby they may see it as playing house or as an accomplishment (American Academy, 2004).   These girls have no real idea how much responsibility is involved in caring for infants.   They often like the idea of caring for someone.The problem is the people who are currently taking the elective parenting courses are usually the ones who know something about caring for infants and are int erested in the subject.   These people already know a little of the responsibility and often are the ones least likely to be teen parents. By making the classes mandatory, those who think it is like playing house or have no idea about babies will get more information.   Many of these classes teach students what to expect throughout the first few years of life.   Infants especially in the first weeks of life need very much of the parent’s time and can be exhausting, and they cry a great deal (Preston 11).   The average day in the life of a mother with an infant consists of waking at approximately 3:00 a.m. and getting very little rest until late the next night.   It involves diaper changes, feedings and constant attention to someone helpless and fragile (O’Callahan 66). When the young people actually begin to realize what life is like for a parent, they can see the consequences of being careless in sexual relationships.   In recent years a new trend has beco me part of child development class.   Many schools have started using programmable dolls, which cry during the night, need changed, fed and held.   These dolls are amazingly lifelike and can provide young people an idea of what it is really like to be a parent (Memorial Community, n.d.). Teaching young people what parenting is like is sometimes more effective than teaching them methods of birth control or about the risks of disease.   In addition to the dolls, child development and parenting courses teach young people how to cope when they do have children.The good news is the message is getting out.   The number of teenagers age fifteen to nineteen who have reported having sex has decreased by just over 13% since 1991 and the number of teen pregnancies has dropped by 36% in the same amount of time (National Campaign, 2006).   There was a trend in the country for a while where teens were not afraid for parents to know they were having sex, but they did not have enough fact s to keep from getting pregnant.   With the increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases, the education about the use of contraception has helped teenagers become more responsible about using birth control to avoid disease and thus pregnancy.If all school districts were mandated to require these classes using the teaching dolls and statistics as a requirement for graduation like they do math and science, students might have a better knowledge of what it takes to be parents.   This would help them know they wanted to wait until they were ready to have children.   It could teach them the financial, emotional and physical requirements involved in having and raising children.   Education is the key to knowledge and knowledge is required to make responsible choices.   In order to teach the teenagers in the United States to make responsible choices, there needs to be a law requiring the system to educate them.Works CitedCampbell, Dr. Ross. How to Really Love Your Child. Wheat on: Victor Books, 1988Coloroso, Barbara. Kids Are Worth It. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.,1994Gay, Kathlyn. Abortion Understanding the Debate. Berkeley Heights: Enslow Publishers,Inc., 2004â€Å"MCH Foundation Partners With Schools to Provide â€Å"Baby Think it Over† Dolls.†Memorial Community Hospital and Health System, 1 May 2007, Penny. What Every Mother Needs to Know About Her Baby’s First Year.Portland, Maine: Ronnie Sellers Productions, Inc. 2006â€Å"Reality Works Infant Simulator and Real Care Parenting Program.† 18 September 2006Horizon Solutions Site, 1 May 2007’Callahan, Kitty. â€Å"A Day in the Life of a Mom.† Baby Talk September 2005: 66-7â€Å"Sex Education: Needs, Programs and Policies.†December2006.TheGuttmacher Institute1 May 2007 The National Organization to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. 1 May 200 7.â€Å"When Children Have Children.† July 2004, American Academy of Child andAdolescent Psychiatry, 1 May 2007

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Microeconomics †Product & Resource Markets

It was at Menlo Park Laboratory Complex that Thomas Edison first unveiled the incandescent light bulb in December 1879 (Bellis 2006). More than a century has passed and, in that time, his famed invention has spread all over the world, marking great cities visible to passing planes. It has diminished from an astonishing wonder to an everyday, commonplace thing. In a large portion of the globe, light bulbs have become a basic necessity, placing it among products with inelastic demand. Without the artificial lighting, all manner of work at night would have to be severely limited. Artificial lighting also satisfies the demand for abstract concepts like the feeling of security and comfort. Demand for this product is inelastic because there are no substitutes for light bulbs; no other invention can efficiently produce artificial lighting. Incandescent light bulbs can be sold for less than a dollar a piece and requires a very small proportion of income. Changes in the price of artificial lighting is likely to cause only relatively small shifts in demand. If more than a century after Edison invented incandescent lighting, a new invention was placed in the market- a paint product that provided light when supplied with a weak electrical current. This new product presents itself as a substitute, which in turn, steals dollar votes for light bulbs. The quantity of light bulbs is sure to go down as some consumers favor the new product, forcing light bulb manufacturers to either exit the industry, increase prices, lower manufacturing costs, or innovate. A lot of women around the world, even those who don’t know fashion TV and the like, want a Prada bag. They can fetch a price of some hundreds to thousands of dollars. The supply for these bags, however, is inelastic. Even if the tiniest bag were to suddenly jack up in price, the quantity of Prada bags in the market would remain the same, or even go down as Prada will realize that their market has shrunk considerably. A Prada bag is unique, requiring very specific materials and highly skilled labor, including that of the designer, put together in a controlled manner. Because there is only one fashion house for Miuccia Prada, she, as a resource, has no substitution possibility contributing to the inelasticity of supply. Reference List: Bellis, M. (2006). The inventions of Thomas Edison. Retrieved November 2, 2006, from:   

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sicko Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sicko - Assignment Example After seeing how well the universal healthcare programs worked for the people in Canada, England, France and Cuba, I would have to say that the program should become a norm for the United States as well. I truly believe that if it is implemented in the same manner as in those countries, then the system would actually work for us. Since we are already paying one of the highest taxes in the world, why not actually make that money work for the people paying for it by covering their healthcare costs? Granted that the cost subsidies would put the health insurance companies out of business and maybe the doctors will earn less under the system, but isnt the idea of healthcare to â€Å"help† people become well or prevent their illnesses? Isnt it the job of doctors to â€Å"do no harm† under the Hippocratic Oath? None of that is happening under the American system of healthcare at the moment so yes, it may not be cost-effective for the bottom line of the insurance companies and doctors who are used to fleecing their clients, but it is what will be in the interest of their patients and should therefore be done for them. I would definitely like to initiate the British form of universal healthcare in America. That is because nobody is turned away from the hospitals, the care is given without question, and the medicine is subsidized at a flat rate cost that is affordable to the working class and free to the retirees and jobless who do not stop needing medical care or medicines just because of their age or situations. That is why I would definitely be willing to sacrifice the quality of the healthcare for the quantity of the healthcare. Imagine, being able to get the tests that you need albeit in a schedule in Canda, while you need to wait for health insurance approval for the test in the United States and most likely get denied the procedure anyway. It seems like a no-brainer in that instance. The test will get done, you just need to wait your

Chronis disease management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Chronis disease management - Research Paper Example In the paper by Miaskowski, (2004), the authors sought to test the effectiveness of the PRO-SELF Pain Control Program when compared with standard care in reducing pain intensity scores, increasing appropriate analgesic prescriptions, and increasing analgesic intake in cancer outpatients with pain from bone metastasis. This study covered seven outpatient settings in Northern California, including a university-based cancer center, two community-based oncology practices, one health maintenance organization, one outpatient radiation therapy center, one veteran’s affairs facility, and one military hospital. In this study, the patients were assigned randomly in either the PRO-SELF intervention or standard care intervention. Those under standard care were visited by a research nurse three times, and then called three times by phone between home visits. Those under the PRO-SELF setting patients were visited by specially trained intervention nurses and then received a psychoeduc ational intervention. They were instructed on how to use a pillbox, and were given instructions on how to communicate with their doctor about pain symptoms and changes needed in analgesic prescriptions. Patients were also instructed during follow-up home visits and three phone calls on how to improve cancer pain management. To ensure the ethical treatment of this study, the authors gained the respondent’s written consent, after explaining to them the purpose of the research and the fact that their identity would remain confidential throughout the research. The ethical committee was consulted first and their review and consent secured before the rest of the research process was carried out. A sample of atleast 150 patients was needed in order to complete this study. Descriptive statistics and frequency distributions were established for the patients’ demographic and disease-related qualities. Independent student’s t-tests and x2 analysis were carried out to deter mine differences in demographics, disease, and pain qualities between patients in the two treatment groups. Analyses of variance were carried out to establish if there were changes in pain intensity scores over time. The McNemar test was then used to establish differences over time based on kinds of analgesic prescriptions. The P-value of less than .05 was considered statistically significant. This study revealed that pain intensity scores were reduced significantly from baseline figures in the PRO-SELF group, as compared to the standard treatment group. The percentage of patients in the PRO-SELF group with the most appropriate kind of analgesia increased significantly from 28.3% to 37.0% as compared to the standard group which changed from 29.6% to 32.5%. The study therefore established that using a psychoeducational intervention, which includes nurse coaching within the standard of self-care, can improve pain management for cancer patients. Critical Analysis The authors are credib le authors for this research. They possess the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

An Argument in Support of Illegal Downloading Essay

An Argument in Support of Illegal Downloading - Essay Example The music industry claims to be the most adversely affected by the trend in illegal downloading with lost profits amounting to billions of dollars according to the Recording Industry Association of America. Between the years of 2004 and 2009, an estimated 30 billion songs were file shared illegally even though legitimate download avenues such as Itunes and Rhapsody exist for song downloading at a minimal cost to the buyer (Adkins, Amy â€Å"How Does Illegally Downloading Music Impact the Music Industry?†). Leaders of the industry claim that this translates to around 12.5 billion in losses since Napster, the first free file sharing site first launched in 1999. Their only recourse in this situation is to try to track down the individuals who have illegally downloaded the music and then suing them for thousands of dollars in estimated lost revenue. Just thinking about the way that the music industry is trying to curb illegal downloading makes my head spin. There are not enough la w enforcers in the country to monitor the online activities of all the Americans, not to mention that such an act on their part is a violation of the privacy of that particular individual. Those who are unlucky enough to get caught are sued for what? An amount that the RIAA knows the individual cannot afford to pay? What lesson is taught then? Does it scare others into stopping the illegal activity? There are other and more effective ways to get to these people. The industry also claims that these activities result in layoffs and loss of capital for new music investments. That is because the music industry has only limited financial resources with which they can cater to existing talent while developing new ones. There is believed to have... There is believed to have been a 20 percent decline in album sales in 2002 as per data gathered by Peinz and Waelbroeck (qtd. in Shannon). This decrease in sales is being blamed on the illegal downloading of music. The music industry would have us believe that illegal downloading negatively affects them because the music that is downloaded for free through file sharing services does not give them a return on investment. They do not get any royalties for their company that produced the record, or the artist who made the record. Basically, this type of theft should be considered equal to economic sabotage in their dictionary. I will discuss how uneducated this assumption by the music industry is in a later portion of this essay. If one were to solely base his opinion of illegal file sharing on the doomsday scenario created by the movie, television, and recording industry, we would think that they are truly being hurt by the activity and, as caring and responsible individuals. Therefore , it would be in everyone's best interest to stop with the illegal activity since those who illegally download are directly participating in the economic demise of the entertainment industry. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Other sources of information have shown that the entertainment industry, whether they admit it or not also directly benefit, and benefit greatly from the illegal downloading of their materials. In fact, if there is anything that illegal downloading should be considered guilty of.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Arab Oil Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arab Oil - Case Study Example The Egyptian and Syrian political leaders, President Anwar Sadat and President Assad had made their final decision to attack Israel on October 6, at 2:00 P.M. As a response to the decision of the Arab leaders, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko began evacuating Soviet civilian personnel and their families from Egypt and Syria. The Soviet Union government headed by Leonid Brezhnev did not fully approve of the decision of these two Arab countries. Israel was headed by Golda Meir during the armed conflict. (Israelyan, 1995) The Yom Kippur, or Ramadan War, which started on October 6, 1973 was due to the frustration of the Arab countries with Israeli failure to evacuate occupied territories and to support UN resolutions. (Morse, 1999) These frustrations had been aggravated by persistent perceptions among Arab leaders that the United States was strongly supporting Israel in violation of the Arab situation. Prime Minister Assad of Syria informed the Soviet authorities that the Syrian and Egyptian leaders had decided to prusue a joint attack against Israel on October 6 at 2:00 P.M. This crucial decision had been made on October 4. Both countries had relied on the Soviet Union for understanding and support. (Israelyan, 1995) The combined military forces of Egypt and Syria attacked Israel during the Yom Kippur which was a religious holiday for Israelis, the Day of Atonement. On the Golan Heights, 150 Israeli tanks battled 1,400 Syria tanks and in the Suez area, about 500 Israeli soldiers faced 80,000 Egyptian soldiers. The Israelis were obviously outnumbered. However, the Israeli army called up reserves and engaged the two countries in strategic counter-offensive military actions. (Morse, 1999) Furthermore, the act of using oil as a weapon was enhanced by the efforts of the five Arab OPEC members on October 17 to enlist the support of the oil ministers of Egypt, Syria, Libya, Bahrain, and Syria in order through a Conference of Arab Oil Ministers. The meeting had a political purpose; the ministers mutually agreed on how to use the oil weapon to encourage the United States to re-examine its unwavering support for Israel and to force the evacuation of occupied territories. The outcome of the October 17 meeting was a resolution specifying the appropriate processes steps need to be taken. Nine countries signed the resolution. The members decided that the oil weapon would be deployed as follows: the nine signatory countries would decrease their oil production levels by at least 5 percent from the actual September 1973 levels. Then in the succeeding months, a similar reduction will be applied. The Arab countries will guarantee that friendly states will not be included in the redu ction.The oil production cuts would continue until Israel had moved out of the occupied territories and the basic and legal rights of the Palestinian people were upheld. The decision on the production cut was then changed on November in which the reduction of oil production were raised to 25 percent below the September level. This was to be followed by another round of 5 percent reduction in December. The different categories of oil-consuming countries were prioritized accordingly. First, the most favored countries would receive their full oil

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Health team role in minimizing adverse events in the hospital Essay

Health team role in minimizing adverse events in the hospital literature review - Essay Example Miller M R, J S Clark, C U Lehmann.(2006). Computer based medication error reporting: insights and implications. Qual Saf Health Care.;15:208-213. Adams Sally Taylor & Vincent Charles. Systems Analysis of Clinical Incidents-The London Protocol. Clinical Safety Research Unit .Imperial College London. Mohr J J & P B Batalden.(2002). Improving safety on the front lines: the role of clinical Microsystems. Qual Saf Health Care 2002;11:45-50 Wilson R.M., Runciman W.B., Gibberd R.W., Harrison B.T., Newby L. & Hamilton J.D. (1995) The quality in Australian health care study. Medical Journal of Australia 163, 458-471. Buist M., Jarmolowski E., Burton P., Bernard S., Waxman B. & Anderson J. (1999) .Recognising clinical instability in hospital patients before cardiac arrest or unplanned admission to intensive care. A pilot study in a tertiary-care hospital. Medical Journal of Australia 171, 22-25. Franklin C., Mamdani B. & Burke G. (1986). Prediction of hospital arrests: toward a preventative strategy. Clinical Research 34, 954A. Sax F.L. & Charlson M.E. (1987). Medical patients at high risk for catastrophic deterioration. Critical Care Medicine 15, 510-515. Schein R.M., Hazday N., Pena M., Ruben B.H. & Sprung C.L. (1990). Clinical antecedents to in-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest.Chest 98, 1388-1392. Considine J. & Botti M. (2004). Who, when and where Identification of patients at risk of an in-hospital adverse event: implications for nursing practice. International Journal of Nursing Practice 10,21-31. Daffurn K., Lee A., Hillman K.M., Bishop G.F. & Bauman A. (1994). Do nurses know when to summon emergency assistance Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 10, 115-120. Lee A., Bishop G., Hillman K.M. & Daffurn K. (1995). The medical emergency team. Anaesthesia...The Canadian Adverse Events Study: the incidence of adverse events among hospital patients in Canada. JAMC - 25 MAI 2004; 170 (11) Buist M., Jarmolowski E., Burton P., Bernard S., Waxman B. & Anderson J. (1999) .Recognising clinical instability in hospital patients before cardiac arrest or unplanned admission to intensive care. A pilot study in a tertiary-care hospital. Medical Journal of Australia 171, 22-25. Considine J. & Botti M. (2004). Who, when and where Identification of patients at risk of an in-hospital adverse event: implications for nursing practice. International Journal of Nursing Practice 10,21-31. McGloin H., Adam S.K. & Singer M. (1999). Unexpected deaths andreferrals to intensive care of patients on general wards. Are some cases potentially avoidable Journal of the Royal College of Physicians:London 33, 255-259. Brennan T A, L L Leape, N M Laird, L Hebert, A R Localio, A G Lawthers, J P Newhouse, P C Weiler,H H Hiatt.(2004).Incidence of adverse events and negligence in hospitalized patients: results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study .Qual Saf Health Care 2004;13:145-152. Jain,M, L Miller, D Belt, D King and D M Berwick.(2006).Decline in ICU adverse events, nosocomial infections and cost through a quality improvement initiative focusing on teamwork and culture change. Qual. Saf. Health Care.15;235-239. Cavallo, K. & Brienza, D.( 2003).

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Physical Characteristics and Feeding Habits of Greater Flamingo Research Paper

Physical Characteristics and Feeding Habits of Greater Flamingo - Research Paper Example Male attain the full size at the age of one and a half to two years (Whitehouse 2003). Male greater flamingo is slightly bigger in size and therefore weighs more than their female counterparts. Greater flamingo wingspan stretches from 140 to 165cm. Coloration Greater flamingos are pink in color. Red and pink coloration of their feathers are said to be derived from carotenoids which form substantial portion of their diet. Algae and shrimps are rich in carotenoids which after synthesis give the red-pink coloration of the feathers. Flamingo metabolic system is efficient in breaking down the labile compounds found in carotenoids. The coloration for the male and female greater flamingo is same and with the young chicks displaying gray or white feather coloration after hatching. As the chicks grow, they attain grayish feather coloration. P.r.roseus legs and feet are pink-red in color (Johnson & Ce?zilly 2007). Appendages (legs, feet, neck and wings) The legs are longer than their body for mature greater flamingo with the ankle situated about half way up the leg. Their knee is located adjacent to the body and it is normally invisible from outside. Their feet have the three frontward pointing toes and one backward toe also known as hallux. Their toes are webbed to help them with swimming and stirring up food. The greater flamingo legs and feet have the same coloration (Romeu 2004). Their wing span stretches about 140-165 cm with 12 primary flight feathers positioned on either wing. Flight feathers are black in coloration and are normally visible during flight when the wings are stretched. Flamingos are known to have about 19 long cervical bones; this gives them the elongated and winding look. The morphology of the neck allows for greatest movement and twisting of the neck. The head ha eye positioned on both sides. For adult greater flamingo, the eye color is yellow while for juveniles they are white in colour for the first year of growth. Adult greater flamingo is blac k a black bill. The bill has a filter feeding adaptation. The upper and lower mandibles are tilted downwards just after the nostril. Greater flamingo’s upper mandible is light and acts as a cover to the lower one which is large and is like a trough. This allows them to feed on large food particles such as shrimps, brine flies and other molluscs. The exterior part of the bill has tooth-like ridges which help in filtering food particles from water. There are two rows of hair-like or comb-like structures called lamellae on both the upper and lower mandibles. When the two mandibles come together, they form mesh like structure which helps in trapping food particles. P.r.roseus’ tongue is fleshy and large with bristle to allow it filter water and food particles from the lamellae (Whitehouse 2003). Feathers The principal flight feathers are 12 and are situated on either wing. The feathers are easily distinguished from other because they are black and are easily seen during fl ight when the wings are fully stretched. Tail feathers range from 12 to 16 in number. Moulting of the body and wing feathers occur at irregular interval and linked to their breeding series. The greater flamingo whole body is covered by contour feathers leaving out legs and feet which help in protecting the skin from damage and also streamline the body before flight. They spend close to a quarter of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Qatars Government as an Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Qatars Government as an Organization - Essay Example Qatar adopted a new constitution in 2005, which provides limited but significant freedom of democracy to the nation’s citizens. Its government structure comprises of ministries, national councils and other relevant government agencies. According to Khurana (2013), Emir of the state is the head of cabinet and stands as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. In Qatar, Emir is entitled with the mandate to appoint ministers and other senior officials within government institutions. Within the nation’s governance structure is a prime minister, whose duty includes supervision and coordination of efforts from the different branches of government. According to Luthans (2013), ministers are charged with the responsibility of planning and executing public policies and national programs. In the recent past, Qatar staged a government restructuring exercise on its ministries and supreme councils. Typical development within the restructuring process included modernization of gov ernance through integration of technological systems, and formulation of clear, non ambiguous mandates for each ministry. This process aimed at facilitating realization of outcome-based governance and informed decision making processes. Senior management within the nation realized the need to adopt structures that will fast-track institutional reforms and national development. This was in line with the country’s national vision for the year 2030, which strives towards improved social, economic and political development. Ornstein (2011) assert that specific provisional objectives of the vision include enhanced capacity and transparency within the public sector, and development of appropriate... The country is currently headed by Sheik bin Khalifa with a title of The Emir, which simply means a ruler or a king. According to Khurana (2013), Qatar is an oil rich country with about 70% of the gross national income attributed to the oil business. Qatar adopted a new constitution in 2005, which provides limited but significant freedom of democracy to the nation’s citizens. Its government structure comprises of ministries, national councils and other relevant government agencies. According to Khurana (2013), Emir of the state is the head of cabinet and stands as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. In Qatar, Emir is entitled with the mandate to appoint ministers and other senior officials within government institutions. Within the nation’s governance structure is a prime minister, whose duty includes supervision and coordination of efforts from the different branches of government. According to Luthans (2013), ministers are charged with the responsibility of pl anning and executing public policies and national programs. In the recent past, Qatar staged a government restructuring exercise on its ministries and supreme councils. Typical development within the restructuring process included modernization of governance through integration of technological systems, and formulation of clear, non ambiguous mandates for each ministry. In addition, the vision seeks to create a sustainable business environment accompanied by substantial space for civil rights.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Investment in the Indian Education Sector Essay Example for Free

Investment in the Indian Education Sector Essay Education is the key to unlocking and building lasting value in a robust economy. For any country to grow and prosper, a well-positioned educated young population is the fundamental requirement to meet the demands of an increasingly global economy and productive value creation. India has amongst the largest student population in the world and a low literacy level of 74. 04% (2011)1. According to census 2011 figures, over 35. 3% of the 1. 21 billion people are between the age group 0-14 years. Additionally, there is shortage of employable manpower in various industry segments. In order to meet this existing and emergent demand, there is huge need of investments in the Indian education sector. Currently, education is primarily handled by the government through its infrastructure and budget outlays. But given the small budget outlays and complex regulatory structure, supply is lagging far behind the demand of education. Expenditure on Education as %age of GDP 6000 GDP in thousnad Crores 5000 3. 64 4000 3000 3. 36 2000 1000 0 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2,098 2,261 2,538 2,878 3,282 3,779 3. 51 3. 45 4,321 4,933 3. 81 3. 74 3. 80 3. 70 3. 60 3. 50 3. 40 % expendutire on education 3. 78 3. 78 3. 90 3. 30 3. 20 3. 10 Source: Ministry of Human resource and Development (MHRD), Government of India REGULATION India’s tightly controlled regulatory structure is the primary reason for shortage of quality education institutions. Being in â€Å"Concurrent list†, education is being governed by both Central and State government with huge variations amongst the state regulations. Currently, the government regulates who you can teach, what you can teach them and what you can charge them. Some of the key bodies regulating education in India are:? Schooling o Department of School Education and Literacy MHRD o Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) o Various State Boards o National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) 1 Census of India, 2011 Page 3 A research report on Investment in Indian Education Sector ? Higher Education o Department of Higher Education MHRD o University Grants Commission( UGC) o All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) o Statutory Councils ? Medical Council of India (MCI) ? Bar Council of India (BCI) ? National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) Voluntary Education and Skill Development o National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) o National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) ? In order to overcome this overlapping nature of various governing bodies especially in higher education, government is planning to come up with National Commission for Higher Education and Research (NCHER). This commission would work as a single regulatory body which would determine, co-ordinate and maintain standards in promotion of higher education and research. It will subsume regulatory bodies such as UGC, NCTE and AICTE, thus making the process more streamlined. KEY POLICY/ACT ? Foreign Educational Institutions(FEIs) o Allows FEIs to setup multi-disciplinary campuses and award degrees o Mandates FEIs to reinvest surplus from Indian operations o Mandates FEIs to invest at least 51% of capital expenditure required o Regulates the admission process, fee structure, period of operation of FEIs Right to Education o Makes access to primary education a fundamental right o Mandates 25% reservation for underprivileged students in schools? BUDGET 2011 HIGHLIGHTS ? ? ? ? ? Allocated an amount of Rs 52,057 Crores for universalizing access to secondary education Allocated an amount of Rs 21,000 Crores for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Increased the total allocation by 24% over the previous year Lack in allocation of funds for Teacher improvement and training Lacked emphasis on the K-12 sector in terms of school improvement, quality control etc. EDUCATION IN INDIA Indian education sector has witnessed a series of changes in the last few years, which resulted in a significant increase in market size of the education industry. With economic growth and enhanced technology it has become necessary to develop the Indian education sector. Funds are a major concern in the market to meet this demand. The government has taken many initiatives for the development of education infrastructure which needs to be supplemented led by private players. The government has also opened the doors for foreign universities by passing Foreign Educational Institution (Regulation of Entry and Operation) Bill, 2010, which will help in shaping the education industry structure specially pertaining of higher education in India. A research report on Investment in Indian Education Sector About 185,000 Indians study overseas and spend USD 4 billion annually. This is almost 10% of the private spend on education, coming from a very small 0. 001% segment of the student population. A number of these students are now returning to India after completing their studies, as job markets in India are more attractive, especially in contrast to weak macro scenarios in the western markets. Entry of leading foreign institutions will enable some of this USD 4 billion spend to stay in India, and also provide a much needed boost to quality. STRUCTURE Indian education system can be divided into formal and informal segments which are further divided into sub-segments. Formal education segment broadly comprises schools and higher education institutes. Schools often classified as K-12(Kindergarten to 12th) caters to ‘3-17 years’ age group. While higher education includes graduate, diploma, professional and post-graduation courses caters to ’18-22 years’ and above age group. On the other hand, informal education segment comprises of preschools, multimedia, ICT, vocational training, books and coaching classes. This segment is free from regulation as opposed to highly regulated formal education segment. Schools (K-12) Formal Higher Education Preschools Indian Education System Multimedia ICT Non-formal Vocational training Books Coaching classes Page 5 A research report on Investment in Indian Education Sector INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS India is home to several well acclaimed International Schools and is increasing rapidly. This demand has been fuelled by parents looking for a new system of education which is more interesting and less stressful. Also, large number of NRIs resettling in India is also contributing to this demand. Being in India these schools have to adhere to certain requirements of the Indian national system irrespective of the examination system adopted by them. Most of the international schools opt for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Board. However, there are other examination systems like the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and General Certificate of Education (GCE) examination systems which are also present. The IB is a recognized leader in the field of international education. It is a non-profit, mission-driven foundation that offers three programs for students aged 3 to 19. ? ? ? Primary Years Programme (PYP) Middle Years Programme (MYP) Diploma Programme -For students aged 3 to 12 -For students aged 11 to 16 -For students aged 16 to 19 In India, most international schools offer IB Diploma Programme. In this students study six courses at higher level or standard level. Students must choose one subject from each of groups 1 to 5, thus ensuring breadth of experience in languages, social studies, experimental sciences and mathematics. The sixth subject may be an arts subject chosen from group 6, or the student may choose another subject from groups 1 to 5. Additionally, the programme has three core requirements that are included to broaden the educational experience and challenge students to apply their knowledge and understanding. The â€Å"extended essay† is a requirement for students to engage in independent research through an in-depth study of a question relating to one of the subjects they are studying. â€Å"Theory of knowledge† is a course designed to encourage each student to reflect on the nature of knowledge by critically examining different ways of knowing (perception, emotion, language and reason) and different kinds of knowledge (scientific, artistic, mathematical and historical). â€Å"Creativity, action, service† requires that students actively learn from the experience of doing real tasks beyond the classroom. Students can combine all three components or do activities related to each one of them separately. Some of the International Schools in India:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Aditya Birla World Academy-Mumbai American Embassy School- New Delhi Amity Global School-New Delhi D Y Patil International School-Mumbai and Nagpur Dhirubhai Ambani International SchoolMumbai GD Goenka World School-Gurgoan Indus International School-Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune KiiT International School-Bhubaneswar Pathways School-Gurgoan, Noida and NewDelhi Stonehill International School-Bangalore Sharad Pawar International School-Pune Doon School -Dehradun Page 6 A research report on Investment in Indian Education Sector ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS SEGMENTS BASED ON KEY PARAMETERS. Growth Prospect Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Regulated No Yes Yes No No No No No Scalable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Possibility to Create Value Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Preschool Schools(K-12) Higher Education Multimedia ICT Coaching Classes Vocational Training Books GROWTH DRIVERS ? ? Demographic advantage o As per Census 2011 ,35. 3% of the Indian population is under the age of 14 Increasing awareness o Increase in awareness towards education as a priority and essential tool for career growth o Increase in job opportunities and salaries offered making investment in education prudent Human Resource driven economy o Increase in  the demand for an educated skilled workforce by services sector o Share of service sector in GDP increased from 30% in 1950 to 55% in 2007. Technology aided delivery o Increase in penetration of technology resulting in virtual learning and education delivery New employment avenues o Newer employment avenues such as KPO, LPO, retail, aviation, animation etc. demanding highly skilled manpower ? ? ? INDUSTRY FORECAST SCHOOLING. Segment Pre-School K-12 Tutorial Books Stationery Education CD-ROMs Multimedia in School Total 2008 1,200 21,000 5,000 1,700 1,380 120 25 30,425 CAGR 20%-25% 5%-10% 8%-13% 5%-10% 5%-10% 25%-30% 60%-70% 2013 3,500 30,800 8,000 2,400 2,000 390 320 47,410 CAGR 10%-15% 5%-10% 5%-10% 3%-8% 3%-8% 20%-25% 50%-60% 2018 5,800 43,200 11,800 3,000 2,600 1,100 3,300 70,800 (Figures in USD million) Page 7 A research report on Investment in Indian Education Sector HIGHER EDUCATION. Segment Higher Education Preparatory Total 2008 6,700 1,600 30,425 CAGR 8%-13% 13%-18% 2013 11,200 3,200 47,410 CAGR 7%-12% 10%-15% 2018 18,100 5,900 70,800 (Figures in USD million) VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND SKILL DEVELOPMENT Segment Child skill enhancement IT training E-learning Finishing school Vocational Teacher training Total 2008 740 195 45 25 1,500 15 2,520 CAGR 20%-25% 35%-45% 35%-45% 50%-60% 15%-20% 50%-60% 2013 2,200 1,050 240 235 3,100 140 6,965 CAGR 17%-22% 33%-38% 33%-38% 45%-55% 10%-15% 45%-55% 2018 5,600 4,700 1,100 1,800 6,200 1,100 20,500 (Figures in USD million) Source: Technopak report on India Education Sector INVESTMENT SCENARIO With an education network of more than one million schools and 20,000 higher-education institutes, the market size of the Indian education system is estimated at more than US$40 billion2 (2009). However, inadequate infrastructure has placed pressure on the sector’s overall development. Education sector is unable to cope with growing market demand and global competition due to constrained investments. Increased private investment is imperative to expand infrastructure and provide greater access to quality education. Also, Government is planning to set up an education ? nance corporation with an investment of around US$4–5 billion, which aims to provide the education sector with long-term, low-cost ? nancing. PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP (PPP) PPP can provide the much needed finance to the education sector while serving as an efficient operating model. Establishing strong partnerships between private and public sector can achieve the growth. POSSIBLE PPP STRUCTURE The educational institute (special purpose vehicle) is set up as a Society or Trust, as per applicable guidelines. The UGC, AICTE or some other central regulatory body approves norms and standards of the institute. The state provides applicable administrative and financial support to the institute. Capital outlays are met by an educational services entity which 2 EY’s Private Equity Round Up April-June 2010 Page 8 A research report on Investment in Indian Education Sector provides infrastructure. The educational services entity charges a fee for use of facilities by the Society or Trust. Finally, the infrastructure facilities are transferred to the institute after a particular time period. Central Government State Government AICTE, UGC approvals Provision of grants Local approvals Land and utilities Trust/Society Service fees Infrastructure Service Provider Transfer of Infrastructure after prescribed time period Source:-2009 E Y – EDGE 2009 report on Private Enterprise in Indian Higher Education KEY PLAYERS GLOBAL ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Apollo Group (USA) Mcgraw-Hill (USA) Pearson Plc (England) Benesse Corp (Japan) Devry Inc (USA) ITT Educational (USA) Strayer Education (USA) New Oriental (China) Career Education (USA) Corinthian College (USA) Capella Education (USA) Raffles Education ( Singapore) Mega Study ( South Korea) SkillSoft ( USA) Page 9 A research report on Investment in Indian Education Sector INDIA FORMAL ? ? Preschool o Kidzee o Euro Kids Multimedia in private schools o Educomp o Everonn o NIIT Vocational Training o NIIT o Aptech o Frank Finn Coaching Classes o FIIT-JEE o TIME o Career Launcher Books o Tata Mcgraw Hill o John Wiley o Navneet Publications ? INFORMAL K -12 (School) o Millennium Schools (Part of EduComp) o Kids Zee High o Billabong High (Part of Kangaroo Kids) o GEMS ( Dubai based) Higher Education o Manipal Education o Amity o IIPM o ICFAI ? ? ? ? MAJOR DEALS INVESTMENTS ? ? ? ? Rs10 billion investment plan from educational institutes in Haryana’s Rajiv Gandhi Educational City ( January’11) RS 28. 08 billion investment for setting up 20 IIITs under PPP route ( January’11) Everonn Rs 36 billion investment plan to setup 300 K-12 schools by 2015 (July’10) Educomp Rs 510 million contract to provide computer education in Bihar’s schools (May’10). PRIVATE EQUITY DEALS Education sector has witnessed 29 PE deals (refer Exhibit 1), cumulatively worth US$381 million, between January 2006 and June 2010 (as per Private equity roundup April-June 2010 by Ernst and Young). The majority of these investments have been in for-pro? t corporate entities that are not subjected to any government regulations. In future, with increased government spending and expansion plans of private players, the potential for PE investments in the Indian education sector is significant. Additionally, sector’s less correlation with the broad economic growth makes it more attractive. Page 10 A research report on Investment in Indian Education Sector SEGEMENT WISE BREAKUP OF PE INVESTMENTS IN TERMS OF NUMBER OF DEALS 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Vocational Preschool K12 Education technology 4 College/University 3 Coaching 2006 2007 2008 Number of Deals 2009 2010 SEGMENT WISE BREAKUP OF PE INVESTMENTS IN TERMS OF DEAL VALUE 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2006 2007 83 30 74 1 2008 43 2009 2010 12 13 10 37 5 9 23 Vocational 39 Preschool K12 Education technology College/University Coaching 67. Deal Value ( US$ million) Sources: Asian Venture Capital Journal; Dow Jones Factiva; ISI Emerging Market MAJOR ISSUES ? ? ? ? ? Overregulated and under- governed Not for profit structure and all surplus needs to be reinvested High involvement of politicians in higher education industry with no willingness to change the existing structure High land prices and hoarding of land reserved for educational purposes for resale Fragmentation in the sector due to difficulties in achieving scale Page 11 A research report on Investment in Indian Education Sector.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Case Note on Fletcher Essay Example for Free

Case Note on Fletcher Essay The facts of this case were that the taxpayer (and three others in partnership) entered a complex scheme, which involved the partnership, and annuity and loan arrangements. The scheme was financed through a series of round robin cheques and promised substantial deductions in the first five years of the 15-year plan. A number of documents were exchanged but no cash payments were made. This was calculated to return neutral cash flows with high tax deductions initially and high assessable income, especially in the last five years. A feature of the scheme was that there was an opportunity to terminate it in the last five years. In the relevant year the partnership derived assessable income of $170,000 and claimed deductions of $360,000. The issue before the court was whether the taxpayers were entitled to a deduction for interest. A lot of matters were argued before the case reached the High Court but before the Full Court the Commissioners contention was that the interest deduction should apportioned and disallowed under s 51(1) to the extent that it exceeded the partnership income. Their Honours indicated that if a taxpayers costs in deriving income were less than the actual income, the deductions would be allowable. However, if the costs exceed the income derived, the taxpayers purpose for making the expenditure may be relevant in characterizing and apportioning the expenditure for the purpose of the general deduction provision. This may include the taxpayers purpose for incurring the expenditure. Manson CJ, Brennan, Deane, Dawson, Toohey, Gaudron and McHugh JJ said (at ATR 622-3): The position may, however, well be different in the case where no relevant assessable income can be identified or where the relevant assessable income is less than the amount of the outgoingthe disproportion between outgoing and income, the whole outgoing is properly to be characterized as genuinely and not colourably incurred in gaining or producing assessable income, the entire outgoing will fall within the first limb of s 51(1) unless it is somehow excluded by the exception of. Their Honours concluded that the issue of whether the taxpayers interest deduction would be allowable depended on the determination of whether the 15-year annuity plan would in fact runs its full course. The matter was  remitted to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to determine, as a matter of fact, whether the scheme would run its full 15 years or whether it would be terminated before the last five years. In the former situation, the assessable income would exceed deductions and the interest would be an allowable deduction unde r s 51(1). In the latter situation, an explanation must be sought for the excess of deductions of some $2.7m over assessable income and to the extent that the explanation lay in substantial tax advantages, the outlays were not incurred in gaining assessable income. On the issue of whose purpose must be considered, the court made the following comments: In the circumstances of the present case, its determination involves consideration not only of the purposes of the taxpayers but also of the purposes of those who advised them and acted on their behalf and whose acts (and intentions) as agents must, as the Second Tribunal expressly pointed out, be imputed to the principals. Reduced to its essential elements, if income exceeds outgoings, the taxpayers motives are largely irrelevant. If there is no assessable income or outgoings exceed income, a practical and common sense weighing up of all factors is warranted, including the taxpayers motive. As was anticipated in Phillips case, a disparity between outlay and income may trigger a more rigorous examination of a contract or arrangement. As was suggested in Ures case, the absence of a commercial quid pro quo will raise questions about the purpose of the expenditure. Where there is a dual purpose, or a purpose other than income production, expenditure is to be apportioned and there will be circumstances where purpose may mean subjective purpose or motive.

Comparison Of Renaissance And Mannerism Cultural Studies Essay

Comparison Of Renaissance And Mannerism Cultural Studies Essay I chose to work on the comparison between Renaissance and Mannerism. Renaissance and Mannerism differ to certain extremes, buy still I found that even today there are particular methods of these art movements that are recognized and applied. Here I shall discuss the pros and cons of both art movements, the impact of the movements and my views on this. POSITIVE POINTS OF RENAISSANCE: In this movement the art form characteristics held an expression of liveliness. Like in wood, clay, stone, independent of reality. For example Leonardo Da Vincis drawing called Renaissance Man. It is also known as Vitruvian man. This drawing is known to be the proportions of man or canon of proportions. His piece of art showed how science and art was brought together to calculate proportions. Leonardo envisaged the great picture chart of the human body he had produced through his anatomical drawings and Vitruvian Man as a cosmografia del minor mondo (cosmography of the microcosm). He believed the workings of the human body to be an analogy for the workings of the universe. Encyclopaedia Britannica online The drawing is based on male proportions that are correlations of ideal human proportions with geometry described. During this period there was the return of ancient Greek and Roman antique. One such example was seen in Brunelleschis architectural work. He had constructed the Florentine Cathedral. This particular work originated from the Roman Empire. The foundation of his design was of the dome of the Pantheon. He constructed an elliptical dome. Artists became familiar with ancient art and brought that in their paintings. All their art form like sculptures and paintings were proportional. These art forms have particular measurements and are always calculated before painted or made. This is an important feature of this period that takes effect even today. Like Michaelangelos sculpture called David. Perspective is another important term that was brought up during this movement. The great Renaissance artist Brunelleschi had brought up this term. Brunelleschi constructed a church called the Florence Cathedral. This initiated perspective as it is seen in the architectural composition of its planning. This later inspired Leonardo Da Vinci in his painting called Last Supper. In this painting we can see that the elements are arranged according to one point perspective. Andrea Mantegna paintings demonstrated a certain sympathy for low castes like in his painting called Triumph of Caesar where he head illustrated prisoners of lower classes. NEGATIVE POINTS OF RENAISSANCE: Proportions are not that appealing, since in reality every human doesnt pertain such exact proportions. The Mannerists were against this feature. Some paintings evoke devotion like the Venetian paintings. POSITIVE POINTS OF MANNERISM: The Mannerists represented a particular style or manner in their paintings. Like elongated hands, small head, etc. This can be seen in Jacopo Pontormos Painting called The Deposition from the Cross. In this painting the bodies of the women and the man are elongated. Their hands and feet also seem to be slightly longer than a proportionate body. The head is comparatively small than the body. This painting clearly depicts the anticlassical art form. Early Mannerism consisted of more natural paintings. Such paintings were known as anticlassical paintings i.e. against Renaissance art. For example Ross Florentinos painting known as Moses defending the daughters of Jethro depicts the anticlassical art. Even in this painting the construction of the body structure can be clearly seen. The long legs and a small head, etc is seen. Similarly many other painting in this period portrays anticlassical art in a variety of ways. Paintings were usually oil painted or frescoes like the painting done by Jacopo Pontormo known as Annunciation. The Angel Gabriel and Virgin Mary are placed against white walls the environment seems stark. The contrast between the figures and ground makes their garments glow in the light of the window between them. It seems as if the couple came in from the extension of the chapel wall. DISADVANTAGES OF MANNERISM: Higher Manneria was the next stage of the Mannerists that concentrated mostly on an artists virtuosity. The paintings were mostly related to the artists point of view rather than reality. Manneria paintings later progressed to be far away from their goal than reality. This was against Manneria art. IMPACT OF THE MOVEMENTS: The Renaissance movement was highly influential even during its time. It spread through various places like Italy, Germany, Netherland, France, England, Spain and rest of Northern Europe. Many Italian artists, etc contributed towards the Renaissance period in their own particular ways. Even today Renaissance exists as it has contributed towards the development of perspective and proportions. Architects or any other fields acquire these basics to bring a perfect or ideal output. Like one point, two point and three point perspective. Its not just perspective but even proportions have initiated of a man, woman, objects and relating proportions in a scenery such that they look uniform rather than abrupt. Mannerism movement also has achieved to look at thing normally rather than calculating things out. Its not scientific based and is purely based on perception of the artist of reality. Observation is an important term for mannerists. This movement related to Renaissance is not that contributive towards the present but still it has its own plus points. MY VIEWS: Relating all factors with respect to Renaissance and Mannerism, I found a couple of facts that I like in Renaissance as well as Mannerism. I cant really judge which one is better but I must say that Renaissance has been highly influential rather than the other movement. Many top notch artists are remembered even today for their tremendous contribution like Brunelleschi, Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Titian and Michaelangelo. Some artists concentrated mostly on sculptures like Michaelangelo. His sculpture called David is known even today. Leonardo concentrated on painting where he even acquired perspective in his paintings like Last Supper. I feel that Renaissance concentrated on measuring each and every thing rather than relying on your own instincts. This difference I found in Mannerism. Proportions are important but I felt that there must be some personal output too based on our personal instinct. CONCLUSION: After researching on Renaissance and Mannerism as well as the artists and their works I was able to relate and understand how the view changes as in different periods. Like cubism fauvism, impressionism post impressionism and so on. Many movements have their particular principles and differences. From concentrating on emotions developed from color, subconscious and so on. The art movements didnt just focus in one point throughout the movement. They changes can be seen in Renaissance like high renaissance and Mannerism as early mannerism, etc. All in all it is important to know and compare the past views of tremendous art movements. Mainly how the thought process changes from one point of view to another. The development of an artistic mind is observed not only with help of paintings but even sculptures, relief sculptures, collages, etc are developments from a variety of movements. These movements are even applied in furnitures, posters, etc.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Marriage and Love in Elizabethan England Essays -- European History Es

Marriage and Love in Elizabethan England The movie, Shakespeare in Love, provides insight into the world of Elizabethan England. Through the character of Viola De Lessups the audience is shown how marriage was an institution entered into not for love, but as a strategic maneuver designed to enhance the lives of those who would benefit from a union, whether or not the beneficiaries were the people actually exchanging vows. As Queen, Elizabeth I chose not to enter into such a union. She expressed the thoughts and feelings she had about the subject in both her speech, â€Å"On Marriage† and her poem â€Å"On Monsieur’s Departure.† A comparison of the character of Viola to the real life Queen of England, Elizabeth I, can provide the reader a greater understanding of marriage and love in Elizabethan England. Queen Elizabeth and Viola both realized that their station in life would determine their prospects for marriage. Elizabeth had the power to decide not to marry. Viola’s marriage to Wessex decided for her as â€Å"a daughter’s duty and the Queen’s command†(Shakespeare).[2] Viola is the daughter of a wealthy merchant and while she is â€Å"not so well born† she is, as her nurse points out, â€Å"Well moneyed† which â€Å"is the same as well born† and â€Å"well married is more so† (Shakespeare). Likewise, Elizabeth knew that if the Queen of England were to marry she would have to make a union that would benefit her country. She felt pressure from Parliament to marry and addressed it in her speech, â€Å"On Marriage†, given to Parliament in 1559. She assured them that they could put that idea â€Å"clean out of [their] heads† for â€Å"whensoever it may please God to incline [her] heart to anothe r kind of life,† she intended â€Å"not to do... ...n that she understood that duty prevented her from such a marriage. In her poem, â€Å"On Monsieur’s Departure† she allows a glimpse into the pain it caused her to be unable to fully pursue a life of love. Works Cited: [1] William Shakespeare, â€Å"Sonnet CXVI†, The Longman Anthology of British Literature: The Early Modern Period, ed. David Damrosch, 2nd ed., vol 1B (NewYork: Longman, 2003) 1233-34. [2] Shakespeare in Love, dir. John Madden, Perf. Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes. Mirimax/Universal, 1998. [3] Elizabeth I, â€Å"On Marriage,† The Longman Anthology of British Literature: The Early Modern Period, ed. David Damrosch, 2nd ed., vol 1B (NewYork: Longman, 2003) 1084-85. [4] Elizabeth I, â€Å"On Monsieur’s Departure,† The Longman Anthology of British Literature: The Early Modern Period, ed. David Damrosch, 2nd ed., vol 1B (NewYork: Longman, 2003) 1081-82.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Tlingit and Grizzly Bear House-Partition Screen :: Essays Papers

The Tlingit and Grizzly Bear House-Partition Screen The region of the northwest coast was blessed with an abundance of natural recourses for human existence and made it possible for the area to thrive. As a result of this unusual abundance, the area could sustain large populations and a complex social order for many Indian groups. Because of the level of sustainability, the cultures had more time for artistic and intellectual activities and endeavors and over time, art became very important and vital to the complex social structures of the groups of the northwest coast. One such group, the Tlingit, used art to create and portray its rights, privileges, and talents inherited to them and became symbols of tribal importance. As they lived in extended family tribal canoe houses, they used art to decorate and empower their tribe in their social structures and often commissioned elaborate artwork in order to create jealousy within the groups. Because the Tlingit culture believed that they were all descendants of animals, the subject matter of most Tlingit art is a highly stylized representation of their ancestor animal. Though religious belief was integrated into Tlingit artwork, it remained an iconographic representation of a tribe’s lineage serving many roles such as power and protection. The Grizzly bear house partition screen is one such example of important, symbolic Tlingit art. The partition screens were used both symbolically as well as served as a dividing screen for the chief separating his living quarters from the rest of his tribal house. This example is made in an unusually grand scale of 15 x 8 feet and is carved in bold low relief from cedar and was later painted. It artistically and symbolically represents Chief Shakes extended family’s origin, the grizzly bear, with smaller heads of the bear making up other parts of its body such as the eyes, ears, chest, as well as many other sections of the piece. The smaller heads create a highly symmetrical design within the piece as well as further symbolize the important image of the bear. Carved out of the reproductive area of the bear is the doorway for the chief, additionally creating an important symbolic representation of their chief being birthed from the grizzly bear every time he enters and lea ves his sacred quarters. This work exhibits mostly all the characteristics cited by Stockstad as it provided background information into understanding the Tlingit culture and their beliefs.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Germany under Bismarck :: essays research papers

Germany under Bismarck The Historical Debate The view of Bismarck over the years has changed and it is the historical debate surrounding our perception of him and his intentions that often shapes our interpretation of the German unification. No 19th century figure has attracted the attention and controversy that surround the achievement of Otto von Bismarck, with the exception perhaps of Napoleon Bonaparte. The success of Bismarck’s work in unifying Germany has shifted from a determinist to a dialectic approach. Early historiography had portrayed him as a master statesman, leading Germany to her rightful destiny. However, dissent from this thesis was at first from non-German historians who re-interpreted later events to conclude that there were more sinister implications to the work of the ‘Iron Chancellor’, making him a more Machiavellian and immoral politician. Later historians, after the Second World War adopted a teleological interpretation of Bismarck accusing him of leading the way for the disastrous era of Nazism by crippling the development of democratic institutions in Germany, he laid the country open to future dictatorships however, some historians have argued that Bismarck could not be held for all future developments. They cite his semi-feudal brand of conservatism, arguing that along with his religion and his limited Pan-German view, these factors all distanced him greatly from the principles of Nazism. Recent developments have tended to move away from the study of ‘Grand Policy’, to diminish the role played by great men such as Bismarck, but to stress the wider context in which they operated. Themes and Problems of 19th century Europe The collapse of the Napoleonic empire in 1814-15 brought the statesmen of Europe to provide for he political future of France and those territories conquered by France. In addition they had to reestablish the balance of power shattered by the Napoleonic campaigns, and to ensure against any similar disruption. France was forced to accept a restoration of the Bourbon dynasty, and a large war indemnity and an army of occupation was imposed. The justifications were manifold however, few do come to mind. Firstly, the Allies sought to prevent future French expansion by the creation of a cordon of relatively strong states around her borders. To this end, a new United Kingdom of the Netherlands was created, consisting of the old Dutch Republic and the Austrian Netherlands (now Belgium). Secondly, this cordon was backed and supported by a loose confederation of 38 states known as the German confederation which was established to compensate for the collapse of the old Holy Roman Empire which would ensure that a mass of small German states would be less easy prey for a future expansionist power.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Challenges Faced by Modern Managers of Organisations and Their Solutions

| |challenges faced by modern managers of organizations and their solutions | Lack of capital Lack of capital is often the most critical challenge that a successful manager or leader faces as its very success creates this and it quickly becomes a vicious circle. Without very diligent cash flow management and/or raising of more capital, including debt, the business often is constrained by capital as it grows. Often the profit in one operating cycle is insufficient to fund the extra working capital required for the next operating cycle. Many capable managers cannot overcome the obstacles in their businesses cash flow cycle and cannot understand why bankers and other lenders often cannot provide the financing as the manager often does not have the security to support the debt. The solution is often easier than most entrepreneurs realize. It often starts with a plan to see what your cash needs are and when your cash needs arise. Then one is in a position to manage it and focus on the cash management techniques most likely to be successful in his/her business. Lack of management skills Lack of management skills is a problem that is very difficult to deal with in most small and medium enterprises as the size of the senior management team is necessarily limited. These areas of weakness could be in finance, human resources, marketing or any area where the current management does not have the expertise, or the time to deal with the issues. It can be solved by determining the weak areas and then developing a plan for dealing with those challenges. Solutions can be as simple as assigning the responsibility to an existing manager with a requirement to watch for the obvious pitfalls, to hiring a person part-time or a consultant. †¢ Lack of focus †¢ Ignoring risks in their assessment of alternatives and opportunities †¢ Lack of a plan †¢ Failure to plan for issues absorbing the majority of your time Scope changes – Insufficient team skills – To quote a colleague, â€Å"Availability is not a skill. † †¢ Vision and goals are not well-defined Ineffective communication 1. Regular promotion – Regular promotion in a fixed interval keeping in view consumer taste and preference is a biggest problem. It not only needs an innovative mind and lot of advertisement money but has become a difficult task to cater the needs of so many different type of consumers like some are health con scious and needs low fat diet or low sodium diet while other prefers combo offers . Most of them also want that half plate and even quarter plate must be introduce in the menu . So when these promotional offer are launched only the expectations of few consumers are met. 2. Availability of substitute at cheaper price- Another problem is the availability of substitute fast food at cheaper price for instance A fast food shop in a Food court has to compete its competitor who may perhaps has a different food menu to offer but his rates are cheep and people my often switch to buy that cheaper product. For instance a steemed sweet corn corner outlet selles a cup of sweet corn say Rs 20 and it is near by a soup corner outlet and the cost of a soup is less than a cup of sweet corn sy Rs 10. There are chances that most of the people who may have come to have a sweet corn may change their food coice and have a soup in double quantity.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Nursing School Barriers

Review of literature valued several other barriers that contribute to student being unsuccessful. The top barriers included lack of financial support, inadequate emotional support, low self-efficacy, and time constraints. A review of the literature found a major barrier interfering with the success of students is financial constraints. Many Of today's students are considered nontraditional and have many responsibilities outside of the classroom that require the student to work. If unable or not allowed to work, students risk losing the necessities needed for survival.For many, working hours are more than or equivalent to he time spent in class. Therefore, the work schedule and hours, interferes with the amount of time the student can dedicate to studying. Students are also working more to cover financial obligations to the school. With the rising cost vitiation, students faced the harsh reality of not being able to afford school (Peterson, 2009). Proactively, many have decided to att end community college instead of a university, in hopes of decreasing the financial burden so the number of hours worked can be decreased.Others are forced to work because the lack of available scholarships or financial aid. Most consider mans as a last result because of the interest rates and the fear of not being able to repay in the future. Nursing school can be mentally, physically and emotionally draining. Many students are not prepared for the challenges the body endures because of the emotional roller coaster of school. Many consider the idea of preparing for a profession where human life can be jeopardized if an error occurs very stressful.At the same times, are surrounded by family and friends who do not understand the ramifications if an error occur. Some students are the first in the family to attend college; therefore, family members may not understand why the student has to choose between family functions and studying. Students can face ridicule from family and friends because there is a lack of understanding as to the amount of time and dedication needed to complete a nursing program successfully. Time constraints also affect student success in nursing school.Students find it difficult to balance personal life and a school schedule. Students find the rigor of nursing school overwhelming. Often, in nursing, students are in the classroom six to eight hours a day and clinical can range from eight to twelve hours, two or three days a week. The school leaves little time for family or extracurricular activities. At least 35% of a student's day is dedicated to class, studying and preparing for the next scheduled class (Department, 2014). Students with families struggle with feeling as though they have abandoned their responsibilities.Mothers returning to the classroom often feel guilt when not able to cook a meal or attend a child's activity. As a result, many withdraw with the hope of returning to school when the children are more independent. Research ers have also found low self-efficacy contributes to the lack of success in the classroom. Self-efficacy is defined as ones belief in actual ability to complete a task (Bandeau, 1997). Thus, self-efficacy is a crucial concept in a student's perception of capability to complete a nursing program.According to Brothers (201 AAA), self-efficacy has become an instrument in evaluating student's outcome in the classroom. Lower self- efficacy students often avoid challenges and set less challenging goals. Many enter nursing programs lacking the confidence to be successful. The students often dwell on personal deficiency and attributes failures to bad luck. Lower self-efficacy students often doubt their ability to successful complete a urging program and often give up when faced with a challenge.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Facts about Jose Rizal Essay

Jose P. Rizal, a man of exceptional talent and intelligence, is the National Hero of the Philippines. That’s a fact (and might be the only fact) that every Filipino knows about Jose Rizal. One might ask, â€Å"How about his name?† Well, that might be uneasy because his full name is Josà © Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda. Let’s be honest that if we will be asked by some people about some things related to Rizal without the help of any references, we can only say less. If that’s make you curious, then here are several interesting facts about Dr. Jose P. Rizal. Most Filipinos don’t know about these trivia about Jose Rizal – verify it yourself if you’re a Filipino. At age two, Jose Rizal could already write and read. He wrote his first poem at the age of 8 entitled ‘Sa Aking Mga Kababata’ (To My Fellow Youth). Just like other Filipinos who are eagerly trying their luck to win the lottery, Rizal also joined such type of gambling where he won one-third of the grand prize (Php 18,000.00) with ticket number 9736. He gave a portion to his father, a friend in Hong Kong and he spent the rest buying agricultural lands in Talisay. He mastered 22 languages: Hebrew, Filipino, Ilokano, Bisayan, Subanon, Chinese, Latin, Spanish, Greek, English, French, German, Arabic, Malay, Sanskrit, Dutch, Japanese, Catalan, Italian, Portugese, Swedish and Russian. Rizal was too small for his age and made him a target of Pedro’s bullying, insulting Pepe in front of the other students at the school of Maestro Justiniano Cruz. Equipped with his Uncle Miguel’s teachings about the art of wrestling, Rizal challenged Pedro to a fistfight. Rizal won and became popular as he proved himself a worthy opponent. Rizal could show too much sarcasm because of his love for his country. Why  and how? Back in Dapitan when he received three visitors in his house in Talisay, he offered the woman named Donya Manuela with Bagoong. The lady ignored the bagoong saying that they do not eat bagoong in their country because it contains worms. With that, Rizal responded saying that he had been in her country and people there eat little birds without taking out intestines. During his exile in Dapitan, he was able to establish a school where he had 21 pupils who were never asked to pay for tuition but was required by Rizal to work for the community. During the class discussion, when his students couldn’t answer his questions correctly, he would jokingly pinch his students. Rizal is one of the few recognized ‘Renaissance man’ in the world. A Renaissance man is a well-educated person and one who excels in a wide variety of subjects or fields. He was an anthropologist, ethnologist, economist, sociologist, educator, architect, engineer, sculptor, painter, playwright, novelist, historian, journalist, farmer, dramatist, ophthalmologist, martial artist, and a cartographer, among other things. Three animal species were named after Rizal; Draco Rizali, a species of flying dragon, Rachophorous Rizali, a species of toad and Apogonia Rizali, a beetle species. Jose Rizal graduated in Ateneo Municipal de Manila as one of the nine students in his class declared as ‘sobresaliente’ or ‘outstanding’. However, he didn’t really top his class when he was in high school. They were 10 in class and only 2 of them got low grades. So basically, the rest earned the same grade Rizal did. Considering that he lived during the latter part of the 19th century where the only means of long distance travel is by ship, he can be considered a very well traveled man. He traveled extensively and had been to the United States, Spain, Great Britain, France, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Italy, Singapore, Borneo, Hong Kong, China and  Japan. Not even a millionaire today could afford the numerous and extensive travels of Jose Rizal during his time. Rizal’s most famous quotation: ‘Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling wika, daig pa ang hayop at malansang isda’. (He who does not love his own language is worse than an animal and smelly fish). Monuments in honor of Jose Rizal were not only erected in the Philippines but also in various parts of the world like Madrid, Spain; Wilhelmsfeld, Germany; Jinjiang, Fujian, China; Chicago, Cherry Hill Township, San Diego, Seattle, U.S.A.; Mexico City, Mexico; Lima, Peru; Litomerice, Czech Republic; and Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Did you know that Rizal was addressed by his European lover as the ‘little bad boy’? Filipinos are truly honest with themselves saying Rizal was not that handsome – and given the fact he was a man of medium height and small built. However, Jose Rizal had his way with women – it might be his humor, knowledge or the way he present himself. On the series of letters that were discovered to be love messages for Rizal, a Belgian woman named Suzanne wrote: ‘There will never be any home in which you are so loved as that in Brussels. So, you little bad boy, hurry back.’ (Partly related with Fact #13) There are rumors that Rizal was a playboy having a lot of girls mentioned in his autobiography and until now many believe that he really had a lot of girlfriends but the truth is that he only had few real relationships. The other girls were all just flings. and some were just plain friends. His poem Mi Retiro (My Retreat) was written when he was sick and could not work. A religious sect named the Rizalista – members of Cruzado, claims that Jose Rizal is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. They believe that the execution in Bagumbayan was just a phase that he had to endure to be in the presence of God. They also believe that Rizal is still alive and lives deep in the  forest of Mount Makiling. There are rumors that Rizal’s book entitled El FIlibusterismo was inspired by Alexandre Dumas’ novel The Count of Monte Cristo considering that it was actually one of Rizal’s favorite stories. Quite unusual for a man about to be executed, but his pulse proved to be normal when the Spanish surgeon general requested to take his pulse moments before Rizal’s execution. Rizal was indeed ready and unafraid of his fate. Because of his famed reputation as a Casanova, it was believed that he was involved with a beautiful woman living somewhere in the border of Germany and Austria making people spread statements that Adolf Hitler of Germany and Mao Zedong of China were sons of Jose Rizal. The dam he built in Dapitan was built using burned shells and bricks that were made from the machine he built. In his letter to his best friend, he said that the dam was built by him and fourteen young boys (his students). Filipinos believe that the reason why Rizal was really intelligent is because he was born with a big head. Ambeth R. Ocampo, a multi-awarded Filipino historian, got a hold of Rizal’s original writings which revealed Rizal’s markings and side notes of male organ of different sizes that were drawn all over the book. Rizal was never really a licensed doctor. He never graduated medicine. Technically, he couldn’t really be called Doctor. Rizal was never really a dentist. He just did some self-studying and ‘pretended’ to be one. When Rizal came back, Olimpia, his most beautiful, pregnant sister, was his first patient. He assisted her delivery. Olimpia died as well as her child due to profused bleeding. And Rizal noted in his diary: ‘She would’ve died anyway†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Well, that might be a pain reliever joke of him.)

Instilling Conscience-To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

In â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Atticus finch used many quotes to instill conscience on his children. For example: â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. † That means that you shouldn’t judge someone until you really know how they are feeling on the inside. He also uses: The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience. † That means that your conscience doesn’t really tolerate. He also uses: â€Å"Bad language is a stage all children go through, and it dies with time when they learn they’re not attracting attention with it. That means you only curse of use profanity for attention. Atticus Finch demonstrates his love for Jem and Scout by providing them with an education. For example although Scout doesn’t like school enough to pretend to be ill, Atticus keeps urging and convincing her to go to school. Atticus loves his daughter enough to see that getting an education is really important. However, instead of forcing her rudely, he gives her the choice of whether or not to succeed in life, but at the end Scout knows she must consider his opinion and what her father says. In addition, Atticus teaches Scout how to read at an early age and continues to help her practice by reading the newspaper with her every evening. This takes time and he is such a busy lawyer, time is needed for Atticus. Reflecting on what Atticus has done for his children in the novel â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†, we can see that he cares very much about Jem and Scout’s futures, and this shows us he really loves both of his children. By providing his children with a relatively excessively amount of freedom, Atticus demonstrates he wants his children to feels free as long as they respect people. For example, Atticus does not limit who Jem and Scout consort with to those who have respectable family backgrounds. Atticus allows his children to judge all people equally and choose their friends or themselves. This is a very special privilege considering that the Finch’s live in southern Alabama, where most people were still prejudged toward African Americans after slavery. Looking at the prestigious Finch family background, we can also see the importance of the privilege. In addition, Atticus allows Scout to dress herself and choose her own clothes as she prefers. She of course dressed herself like a boy and around that time girls were expected to dress like â€Å"ladies† (lady like). Giving his children the right to live their lives with their own power of will or choice, Atticus shows compassion for his children by giving them responsibility and making them responsible. Atticus Finch is a typical man, but as a parent Atticus proves to deviate from the main swing of the Maycomb society. The Maycomb society dictates that children are raised in a traditional matter. The children should do everything they are told and all thoughts they may have are worthless and have no meaning. Atticus does the opposite of the basic principle of the Maycomb society. He lets Jem and Scout to commit their own volition and provides with as much freedom as anyone else. Although his children don’t like going to school, Atticus guides and gets them through long and boring school years. In conclusion Atticus’s methods of raising his children and shoeing his love and respect for them definitely affected their personalities and behavior. In the book â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Atticus is a man who believes in doing the right thing. He takes on the job as Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman. He does not know if Robinson is innocent or not at first, but he knows that defending him is the right thing to do. Atticus is well aware that by taking the responsibility as Tom’s lawyer it will not be a popular decision. By taking his position he teaches his children about social responsibility, courage, and taking a stand against something even if you have to stand on the opposite side of the moral majority. Atticus is such a fair and honest man who shares so much wisdom with his children through his actions. Atticus teaches his family that one cannot prejudge people. Just because they may be Cunningham’s, or Mr.  Raymond, doesn’t mean the assumptions that people hear are true. They learn to not fear and hate Mrs. Dubose, when Atticus forces Jem to read to her. Their assumption that she was a mean old lady does not let them see why, until she passed and Atticus explains that she was fighting a drug addiction and was constantly in. When Scout punishes Walter because the teacher did not understand about the Cunningham’s ways, he is invited to come to dinner at the Finch’s house. After her teasing him about her ways, she is quickly discipline by both Atticus and Cal about her manners towards others. Atticus is a man of with a strong sense of equality and fairness and tolerance. He decides to accept defending Tom Robinson (a black man) he receives the case and decides to take action, despite the way his neighbors and the community think, He pushes his family to stand by him without violence towards the people that disagree with him protecting Tom. In essence he teaches his children to tolerate those from other races and do what is right regardless of one’s color, even if it may be received poorly by ones community. He also teaches Jem and Scout the importance of standing up for what you believe in. t is through defending black man Tom Robinson that Atticus knew that there was little chance of acquitting Tom but he believed that he could somehow make a difference in the way that black people were prosecuted. Atticus knows that helping Tom is the right thing to do and thus, carries out the job he accepted. The children are taught this through Atticus’ most famous quote â€Å"shoot all the blue jays you want†¦ but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird†, the mockingbird relates to different characters in the book including Tom Robinson. Atticus also uses the children’s obsession with Boo Radley to teach them to tolerate those who are different. Thus Atticus teaches everyone how to tolerate others and how to stand up for what is right even if it may be unpopular. The children’s biggest assumption is found to be false, because Boo Radley, the man that ate squirrels saved them. The children are taught this through Atticus’ most famous quote â€Å"shoot all the blue jays you want†¦ but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird†, the mockingbird relates to different characters in the book including Boo Radley. The mockingbird is compared to Boo Radley as at the end of the novel when he rescues the children from Bob Ewell, Heck Tate tries to convince Atticus that it was not Jem who stabbed Bob but Boo. Boo is extremely timid and frightened and thus, Heck sees no point in prosecuting him as it would bring him into the limelight and he would have to testify in front of many people. Heck feels that the dead and dealt with the dead and strongly believes that no further negotiation is needed. Courage is the most important lesson taught to the children in this lesson.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Approaches to Adult Learning

Approaches to Adult Learning Annotated Overview The focus of this writing will be on the themes of the assigned chapter readings for Week 6. These chapter reading from Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide was in the following chapters: 8, 9, and 10. This paper will also include additional learning resources (media video and instructor’s notes) and will outline points of interests gained from their viewing and reading. Week 5 Annotated Chapter Assignment This week’s study involved our reading of three chapters, viewing two media videos and article reading. This paper will touch on the points of interest that resonated with me in my reading as well as thoughts that I explored from the supportive learning resources (media video and instructor’s notes). The paper will conclude with a summary/discussion of what was gained through this learning experience and discuss ways this learning can be implemented. Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning: A Comprehensive Approach Chapter 8 Theme The overall theme of this chapter highlighted an integrated approach to learning which shows the synergistic connection and combination of the mind, body, and spirit in learning called embodied learning. It also discussed the significance of learning through storytelling and heightened learning outcomes of narrative teaching. This section will address the points of interests that inspired to onto further study. Narrative Learning There are events that happen in our life which are unique. Some are uniquely dull and some can be uniquely exciting. However, the case each has a unique storyline that when told can help others to better understand and know something of the storyteller’s world that may lead to a significant discovery in their own. The writer points out that â€Å"Narrative knowing are not so much driven to find out more about the tangible outcomes of an event: its facts, logic and such, than they are about discovering meaning, and gaining under standing of the same event (Merriam, Baumgartner, the implications in the statement of one being personally involved in learning was spoken loud and clear throughout week six chapters. In reflecting on the theories and principles of transformative learning I can say that one of the enlightenments that I take away is through the means that transformative learning, one’s internal and external awareness is enhanced within that transformative learning experience. What I mean by that is, I learned that learning is more than just sitting in a room assimilating data. Cohen points out, that when one embodies the learning the learning experience, there is an opportunity created where any portion of the information being received can connect with meaning that initiates one’s conscious awareness that brings about a reflective moment which ushers in a revelation of one’s higher self. Transparently speaking, this reading brought up some thoughts that I had not previously co nsidered. Consequently, these three eye-opening chapters demand a deeper review and reflection on my part, if for nothing else than for the sake of growth through perspective changing and social enlightenment, which is the message I felt the writer was conveying within these three chapters. Incorporating Media and Instructor Notes The video, â€Å"New Approach to Learning† was an expose on the creator of Khan Academy. He is a former Hedge Fund analysis who started a free on line e-learning you tube website. This is a unique approach to sharing information with others that assister the self-directed learner supporting their ongoing learning settings. The presenter points out that his approach is simple and effective and attracts the attention of youth and adult learners around the world. The benefit of this approach to learning is that the learner can have ready access for a variety of learning event while learning at their pace. Mr. Khan points out that according to resea rch information the length of the content is at the right amount that facilities learning. The presenter also brought in a interviewee who expressed how this type of learning is a valuable asset to locations around the world that may not have access to any formal or informal means of education (Vantage Siam Co., 2011). The video, â€Å"Gen Y & New Approaches to Learning & Training† was interview centered on Generation Y and their approach to learning. The interviewee pointed out the demographic range of this new type of learner and the desires of the Gen Y group of learners to be taught in accordance to the technological society we live in. They want to be free in their ability to use the knowledge with the technology they have grown up with as compared to previous generations who did not have similar types of access. Both the interviewer and interviewee agreed that the responsibility of the teacher is to move away from former methods to incorporate this new desire for lear ning by making it easy for student involvement and encourages participation. This move will not only affect the present generation but it will prepare them for the upcoming one – Gen Z.(Award1956’s channel, 2010). The video, â€Å"Koren Alberich on New Approaches to Learning† was interview on three examples of learning using alternate reality games and virtual worlds. The interviewee explained how the games and worlds can be made to adapt to any environment and setting. Each can be structured to simulate desired learning outcomes. Two salient outcomes of these new approaches are: 1) the scalability. The environments and settings can meet any size of learning audience, 2) as for the use of virtual worlds they can be create real-time global location via internet that can bring global locations into one location (Clarey, 2011) Conclusion The overall thought of this week’s lesson has been an approach to learning that has helped me in synthesizing my lif e to what has been presented within these three chapters, as well to the previous lessons. Subjects like the principles of embodied learning with its lesson on spiritual and narrative learning are very insightful. I am a Pastor of a small congregation and I teach using the preaching method of expository preaching. After reading about narrative learning I have added storytelling as an element of preaching to help the listener gain a richer understanding of the content of my message. This is one example of how I have applied what I am learning. I believe that knowing and not applying what one knows means that knowledge remains as theoretical information. However, when that same knowledge is put into action then it takes on another essence, by becoming reality in the life of the one that has applied it. As I further reflect on what take away from the chapter dealing with Learning and knowing I now look at with I know and have learned through new lenses. Taking others perspectives, espe cially other cultures, will be hard to do. That is if one is not willing to, at the least, empathetically look at life from someone else’s perspective. I agree with the chapter writer concerning our western egotism when it comes to learning that inders us in that aspect. Our pride should not be the thing that keeps us from learning and knowing from other cultures. The truth is, in many cases other cultures have truly learned and know more than our does. Any barrier to intellectual growth must be overcome if we as a whole – world round – if we are to grow together. And as barriers, such as cultural pride and others come down that gives way to areas of growth in realms such as meaningful dialog brought about by the ethos of critical theory, as well as acceptance of ideals founded in postmodern and feminist perspectives. When approached with a mindset of open-mindedness, these theories and concepts are enlightening and the means of growth. Light makes things grow. Needless to say, I feel I have grown to have a deeper appreciation for what I have experienced thus far and look forward to what more is to come. References Award1956’s channel (Producer), & Award1956’s channel (Director). (2010, December 8,). Gen Y & new approaches to learning & training. [Video/DVD] Retrieved from Bohman, J., & Rehg, W. (2014). Jà ¼rgen habermas. Retrieved from Clarey, J. (Producer), & Clarey, J. (Director). (2011, April 22,). Koreen olbrish on new approaches to learning. [Video/DVD] Foote, L. S. (2015). Re-storying life as a means of critical reflection: The power of narrative learning. Christian Higher Education, 14 (3), 116-126. doi:10.1080/15363759.2015.1028580 Merriam, S. B., Baumgartner, L., & Caffarella, R. S. (2007). Learning in adulthood (3. ed. ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Nemec, P. B. (2012). Transformative le arning. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 35 (6), 478-479. doi:10.1037/h0094585 Paul, & Pedersen. (1980). The cultural boundaries of education and non-eastern alternatives. 1 Retrieved from Qiufang Fu, Zoltan Dienes, Junchen Shang, & Xiaolan Fu. (2013). Who learns more? cultural differences in implicit sequence learning. PLoS One, 8 (8) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071625 Vantage Siam Co., L. (Producer), & Vantage Siam Co., L. 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